4:18 PM r: that's crazy about the woman arrested for miscarriage
me: isn't it?!!!!!!!!!
I swear
4:19 PM r: have you read about the thing in Colorado where they want to confer the status of "legal person" onto eggs?me: oh, it's not so much the eggs, as the sperms. r: well the fertilized eggs
me: they want to confer it on zygotes pre-implantation (aka pre-pregnancy)
4:20 PM which is THE first moment that the sperm is involved.
r: pre-fertilization?
what about menstruation then?
me: no, pre-IMPLANTATION
r: oh, right, the moment of conception
what fuckers
me: well, the dumb thing is that this happens like a lot, and you menstruate anyway
there's no way to know
me: implantation is the 1st thing that starts the hormones flowing
ergo, the beginning of PREGNANCY
4:21 PM r: so once dicks get on the scene
a woman's rights vanish
me: exactly
on monday Health and Human Services redefined "abortion" to include any contraception that prevents one of these things from implanting
on monday Health and Human Services redefined "abortion" to include any contraception that prevents one of these things from implanting
which could be, like, the birth control pill, other hormonal ones, IUDs...!!!
every sperm is sacred
every sperm is sacred
that's some MAN'S CHILD you're talking about killing
r: you know what?
4:22 PM maybe it makes sense to have every woman legally obligated every 3 months to go and get examined
me: In el salvador where abortion is totally illegal, they have FORENSIC GYNECOLOGISTSwhose job it is to examine women to see if they've been pregnant and if they've had abortions. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/09/magazine/09abortion.htmlr:maybe we should harvest their eggs?
or we could do like a kentucky fried chicken thing
just keep women in cages all the time, cut off their legs, and make sure that they reproduce as regularly as possible
4:23 PM me: well, the fed. govt. did recommend that every fertile woman be considered "pre-pregnant" when she goes to the doctor...
r: i guess such a collectivization of property is against american values though
r: this is all right from margaret atwood
me: oh yeah
for sure
outsourcing surrogates to india?
4:26 PMr: yeah no shiti love the nytimes on that
what pieces of shit
they did the usual false opposition
'well on the one hand these women need their babies'
'but on the other hand, isn't it possible that the poor people over there might not want to do it? but it's a job! yay capitalism!'
me: ha, yeah, I remember that
both parties needs are equal!
4:27 PM both parties get something out of the deal!
r: yeah
fucking flattening idiocy
me: and also, it's like, scary in terms of the extreme stratification of reproductivity vs. non-reproductivity among women here in the U.S.
4:28 PM r: what do you mean?
me: let's have one caste of women that has babies for a higher caste of women, rather than, oh, make it NOT OPPRESSIVE to HAVE A BABY
r: yeah
me: it's vital that pregnancy and birth be kept AS degrading and disadvantaging as possible
4:29 PM me: since, after all, you can be sure that the people being kept down by it will be women
oh yeah
r: it's true